Sports Injury Prevention Tips

No matter how hard you may try to avoid them, there is always a risk of sports injury. The more contact in a sport, the greater the risk of injury.  This doesn’t mean that non-contact sports don’t have injury risks at all. In fact, the most frequent sports injuries athletes and active adults suffer are due to overuse. Some of …

paindocSports Injury Prevention Tips

Muscle Cramp Relief

Muscle spasms, cramps and pain are a common among athletes, dancers, and all those people who are involved in high amounts of physical activity. Whenever the muscles of the body face extreme stress of pressure, they are bound to get exhausted, as a result of which cramps and pain start to occur. This may last anywhere between a few minutes …

paindocMuscle Cramp Relief

Starting A More Healthy Lifestyle

Living a healthy lifestyle is becoming physically fit and observing proper diet. We cannot possibly become healthy just by eating healthy food alone. On the other hand, one cannot also claim living a healthy lifestyle if little or almost no time at all is spent on some physical activities. A healthy lifestyle is a good balance of both. With people …

paindocStarting A More Healthy Lifestyle

Simple Solutions To Reduce Back Pain

In the early stages of lower back pain, relief can often achieved by performing some simple stretching exercises or having a gentle massage. Alternatively you could try using ice and heat packs, these will help reduce inflammation, and reduce muscle spasms. If you are frequently experiencing lower back pain, relief can be achieved in several ways, the main two being …

paindocSimple Solutions To Reduce Back Pain

Making Stretching a Daily Habit

If you want to get more fit or try to lose some weight, the first point of call is your diet. You decide what you should cut back on and what you should add to your diet to achieve your goals. The second thing that you will probably consider is a good exercise program. In most people views a good …

paindocMaking Stretching a Daily Habit

Understanding Knee Pain

Knee is said to be the largest and the most complicated joint. It is used in various purposes like standing up, in walking, sitting, running etc. This joint is weight – bearing joint which bends, straightens, rotates and twists. The risk of acute or overuse knee injuries increases with the increase in the motion. It is the most easily injured …

paindocUnderstanding Knee Pain

Shoulder Pain? Know the Differences

Shoulder pain is a common problem that affects the majority of the population.  Most people will experience some degree of pain in their shoulder at some point.  The causes of the pain and the degree of the intensity of the symptoms will vary from person to person.  The recovery and return to normal function will also vary from person to …

paindocShoulder Pain? Know the Differences

Lower Back Pain Relief

Although the number of individuals experiencing lower back pain is on the rise, the good thing is that condition could be eliminated. One cause of lower back pain is weak and inflexible back muscles that make it impossible for you to bend even for few minutes. These muscles include the abs, hamstrings minimizing back muscles. By keeping these muscles strong and …

paindocLower Back Pain Relief

Signs of Arthritis

Arthritis means inflammation of the joints. It is one of the most common diseases in the United States. This condition means that different individual illnesses with differing factors, treatments, complications and prognosis occurs. They are similar in that they have a tendency to affect the joints, muscles, ligaments, cartilage and may affect internal body areas. You should suspect arthritis if …

paindocSigns of Arthritis

Can Pilates Relieve Chronic Neck Pain?

Neck muscles becomes tired and stressed from long hours of holding the same position. It happens only when you sit for hours and hours in front of a computer. It’s no surprise that one of the most common health conditions of our time is neck pain. Neck pain and sore neck are usual complaints associated with simple everyday activities like reading …

paindocCan Pilates Relieve Chronic Neck Pain?