Causes of Dehydration

There are three things that humans need in order to survive. They are all equally important, but the lack of each will kill us in different time periods. Without air, we’ll die in a few minutes. Without water we’ll die in a few days. Without food we’ll die in a few weeks, sometimes longer if you’ve got some adequate reserves built up. If you are deprived of air, it’s pretty easy to figure out. But being dehydrated can sometimes come in many disguises. To that end, this article will be about the many things that cause dehydration. This way you’ll know when to expect to be thirsty, and when to have plenty of water on hand.

Of course, without doing anything, your body uses a certain amount of water every day. So you’ll eventually get thirsty even if you just sit there. Your body is always filtering your blood to remove chemicals so they don’t grow to dangerous levels in your blood. So even if you don’t think you’ve done anything spectacular that requires water, keep on chugging it anyway. Your body needs it.

Another obvious activity that increases your need for water is exercise. This causes an increase in lactic acid in your muscles, which needs to be filtered out. Exercise also causes the body to heat up, causing excess perspiration, which uses plenty of water. Often times you can go through a rigorous workout and not feel thirsty. Keep in mind that thirst is a last minute warning signal, and be sure to drink plenty of water while exercising.

Consuming alcohol is another cause of dehydration, as anybody who has woken up after a night of drinking can attest to. Your body requires a quite a bit of water to break down and metabolize the alcohol, and this makes you thirsty. However, by waiting until you are very thirsty to drink water, you run the risk of doing damage. So make sure to drink plenty of water along with whatever else you are drinking. This can also help reduce the risk of having a hangover the next morning.

Any drinks that contain caffeine also significantly dehydrate you, for a couple of reasons. Similar to alcohol, caffeine requires water to be broken down and metabolized. Also, caffeine is a diuretic, which increases your urinary output. This increased output naturally uses your valuable water supply, which makes you even more thirsty. For every cup of coffee or caffeine containing beverage you consume, consider drinking an extra glass of water to offset the effects.

Exercise, alcohol, and coffee can significantly dehydrate your body. This can lead to other health problems like stress, muscle soreness, and feelings of tiredness. By increasing your water intake when you do these things, you’ll be offsetting their negative side effects, and make it much easier on your body.

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